Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approach

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a technique that encourages people to incorporate their thoughts and feelings rather than pushing them away or feeling shame and guilt. ACT is often used alongside DBT mindfulness techniques.

The Six core processes of ACT help client’s through the process and provide the structure for developing psychological flexibility, being in contact with the present moment, and being aware of all of the thoughts, sensations and emotions, whether they are positive or negative. The six core processes of ACT include Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Present Moment Awareness, Self as Context, Contact with Values, Committed Action.

Anxiety, depression, OCD, addictions, substance abuse and other life stressors can all benefit from ACT. ACT practice teaches self-acceptance, through facing difficult situations directly rather than avoiding them. Committing to facing problems directly helps you to embrace life’s challenges.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approach